Lit Kid: recurring phrases

I began with openings, and now I’m going onto recurring phrases in children’s books. It’s not my intention to get overly stylistic about it. I have a notebook where I am starting to record ideas for writing about children’s books, and there are (unsurprisingly) many others that could clamour for attention. But a certain amount …

Retirement starts here

A thought struck me today: and I’m going to have a go here at thinking it through. I’m thinking about that later life phase: those (hopefully) special times when we are free of responsibilities (or freer, at least); when availability of time is not an issue. What do people think about doing in retirement? Travel …

A Christmas Carol: pantomime

Time for another Christmassy post. Oh no it isn’t. Oh yes it is… When I started planning out subjects for this month’s posts, pantomime was one that made the list early on. Others will choose to focus their Christmas ‘must dos’ on elves on shelves (or not, depending on this year’s press about it), cookie …

A Christmas Carol: Christmas films

The thing about Christmas films is the looove. Love to the extent that small children will watch them, repeatedly, even in August. That’s how much love. I haven’t had to watch full-on snow-and-Santa outside of December too many times. But there are a couple of kids’ DVDs in our collection where the Christmas version seems …

A Christmas Carol: wrapping presents

It’s one of those jobs. Some love it, others hate it, and some will volunteer in shopping centres to help others with it. Some people have to wait till their other half is out of the house to get underway. Others get underway with paper and tape when the kids are in bed. Wrapping presents …