Go for it Mr Cameron

Really pleased that old Euro-sceptic right-wingers are leaving the Conservative Party. It will ensure that Cameron’s drift to the centre of British Politics is a one way journey. There can be no turning back.

Don’t worry reader, I’m not an arch-Tory, but I do think that the UK really needs some engaging public debate on policy and with people thinking that the Conservatives might drift back to Thatcherism, we’ve got another eight years of New Labour to look forward to.

Every government needs a credible opposition. I’m looking forward to a New New Labour and a Conservative Party that is re-engaging with the British people. Add a re-invigorated Liberal Democratic Party and we can see some proper movement when Gordon takes over.

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  1. Yes i agree Dan (or is it alison?) … I am not sure about Menzes Campbell (I don’t find him that inspiring), but i think a rejuvinated tories would be a really good think for politics.

    Centre ground for tory and labour is a good thing. The only thing i worry is that sometimes the centre ground doesn’t produce radical solutions, which is probably needed for a lot of the ills in society

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