Space operas deliver a hyper-synaptic buzz

Alison has mentioned that there’s been something of a switch in our reading habits. This has been a while in the telling. When I was at school I hardly read a thing that wasn’t to do with cars (up to 13) or architecture (quite a bit beyond leaving school). It just didn’t interest me. It …

Read, learn and inwardly digest

Met with various friends over the holiday weekend, and one asked what I read. Given how much Dan and I like our books, I found it quite hard to answer, and having been mulling this one over since. Part of the issue comes from the fact that we have different reading habits at different times. …

Of maps and men

Having revisited one former home, found myself visiting the town where I spent my secondary years, only half a week later. (Reasons for this less positive, though perhaps I’ll do a separate post about that.) Otley has its market, and Upton-on-Severn has its maps…and also morris men (though thankfully not all the time). I used …

Recherche de biscuits perdu

I shall start this blog with a couple of literary references, neither as yet checked. My French is also not strong enough to be sure whether biscuits needs ‘perdu’ or ‘perdue’. Anyway, Proust wanted to do a bit of rediscovering of the past, and managed something like that through the (for him) evocative taste of …