Friday phrases: all covered with white blossoms

Most of my Friday phrases are relatively cheery; silly, even. A little light relief is no bad thing, at the end of a long week. Now and again, other phrases carve their way into my brain. They are not as light in impact, though they are crafted in a light-handed way. The Selfish Giant is …

Lit Kid: trying to keep up

Another birthday, another set of reads to enter the house. Some were chosen (yes, guilty as charged) and intimated to family; others were chosen by Junior Reader (who initially believed that the book token had been sent by Bramble the dog). All good so far. When the book: other present ratio reaches something like 50:50, …

Friday phrases: don’t take your wife to arctic tundra

Back in the dim and distant past of my own primary school days, there was a certain amount of learning poems by heart. Not as much as in my parents’ generation, or before that, I’m sure, but certainly some. A certain category of poetry learning found in Scottish primary schools, learning Scots poems in order …