Which planet do you like best?

It’s a serious question when you’re eight, going on nine.  Things are not just out there.  You need to know whether you like them or not.

R and D’s eldest is keen on space.  She and Dan had fun setting up her telescope while we were there, and while you or I may be struggling to think what to wear tomorrow, she is looking ahead to 2020 and the next manned mission to the Moon.

At one point, she mentioned that she liked Neptune best as a planet.  “Why?”  “Just do.”  (This is also important when you’re eight.  And twenty eight or more.  Sometimes we just do.)  I think it helped that it was also blue.

What was interesting was that then the adults started saying which planet they like.  I liked Jupiter, because it was the biggest.  Her dad liked Saturn, because of the rings.  Dan liked Pluto, because it was also the name of a dog.

It was a great reminder that we too had our preferences, even though we might have long forgotten some of them.  Life gets a lot more complicated when we have to justify why we like something (or more often as an adult, why we are still doing something when in fact we don’t want to).

Perhaps it’s a good incentive to have a more immediate response to things.  Meanwhile, I’m off to practise a learned response – a cup of tea.

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1 Comment

  1. Erm, correction. Someone did remark on Pluto being the name of a dog, but I think it was the author. My favourite planet is called Earth. I’m rather attached to it. There’s this force that keeps drawing me to it. Funny really.

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