Bird song at dawn

It’s not really worth a mention on its own in a newsletter of the year that has to fit on two sides of paper.
But a blog seems a good place for it to have its own little write up.

Around Easter time, a lot was going round my mind, and I had a few nights of not being able to sleep.  At all. I would usually get up and read in the sitting room for a while, but still not be able to drift off.

After a while, the light would gradually start to come up.  So one morning, I opened the window a little, and was able to hear the birds starting to sing. It was incredibly peaceful, and finally drifting off as they continued to sing was even better.

However, it’s one of those ‘can’t step in the same river twice‘ moments.  Even though birds do clearly do the dawn chorus thing on a regular basis, when I tried to capture this again a morning or two later, either the birds had decided to stay in bed longer, or I just couldn’t settle to sleep.

Not so long after, I did manage to get something of the feeling back, when listening to a new Kate Bush album.  I’m sure some readers would consider that Kate would induce sleeplessness in the first place, but the album has two discs – the second is a journey through a day.

And yes, it starts with bird song.  Every time I hear it, a little bit of my memory recalls: yes, it really is that special a sound.


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