E is for energy

Somewhere along the line, I put my energy down for a bit, and forgot to pick it up again. I think that was it. Maybe I put it down and someone else thought it was theirs, and made off with it.

Maybe I forgot to renew my energy, and now there are fines due. I don’t get any more energy until they’re paid. That could be the answer. Energy costs more these days, as the suppliers have happily informed us – again.

It could be that my energy was really just a permit, like a car tax disc. Somehow I missed the reminder. Clearly I am online, and we know that it’s quick to update a car tax disc online, so it must be possible to top up my energy online? Right? I thought that was one of the reasons I was blogging.

Imagery aside, energy has not been much in evidence of late. I think it was all the activity early on in the year. I used up my annual supply of energy and am now on energy-saving mode.

It may of course be linked to the shortening days, but I think it is connected to that scenario I’ve seen before. I. Wore. Myself. Out.

What changed? Some sadly obvious stuff – getting a bit more sleep, a couple of nights in a row. Shutting myself off yesterday and doing stuff for me, rather than spending all weekend on catch up.

Sometimes a found item is simply the thing you used to have, that had gone missing for too long. And when it turns up again, even a bit, you notice.

I’m not talking swinging from the tree tops energy. (There’s a storm outside. Could get slippy.) Nor even turn the house upside down spring cleaning kind of energy. (Though that could help.)

Just enough energy to get through the have tos, the really have tos, and some of the shoulds. Along with some sit downs in between.

That kind of energy is enough that I notice it. And with schools on holiday now, I have plans to seize some more of it, if I can.

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