I’m told that I shouldn’t write too many posts, otherwise you lovely readers won’t be able to keep up.
However, we did manage a family get together recently, and have another one to come, so I think they’re worth a mention.
Last weekend saw us meeting up with my parents, plus my brother John and his girlfriend Sarah. John and Sarah are both teachers in Leeds, and had just finished term, so were pretty weary on the Friday night.
However, they perked up a bit the next day, and we all headed into Edinburgh on the Saturday afternoon, including spending some time at the German Christmas Market in the centre of town.
The stall holders who sell Gluhwein (mulled wine) kindly use special mugs with Christmas scenes on, to get you in the mood. As Friday was the first time it had stopped raining for a week, we attempted to feel more Christmassy…(Today, it’s been bright and also frosty in Edinburgh, so it does feel a bit more like December.)
We head down to London this Saturday (23rd), to spend time with Dan’s mum Jen and his granny. Jen’s brother  family will also come to meet us a few days later. We’ve not had a bigger Frydman gathering for a while, so it’s good to manage both sides of the family in the same month.
Chatting to friends, you become aware how we have a sense of a shared Christmas, yet people have such different experiences. One of my former colleagues, from New Zealand but temping in Edinburgh, is part of a big family, and Christmas isn’t Christmas unless 30 people are sitting down together…
I don’t think we’ll ever emulate that, but it’s great to spend time withe people you love, however many of you there are together.