Of kitchen gods and goddesses

Dan’s creating a curry…and I’m free to tap away, and come up with a new blog post. To be honest, it’s a chance to sum up a lot of what the holiday has been about.  Food, reading, and a bit of tinkering around the house. Food…it’s been a nice opportunity to cook.  Admittedly most times …

Use up the old, bring in the new

When it comes to leftover fests, Christmas is the biggie.  I find it very pleasing to have similar meals for days in a row when the leftovers change a little, there is plenty of cheese, and the prospect of finishing up with lots of cups of tea. In this vein, a few new discoveries for …

A trip down memory lane

So, firstly, I’m on holiday (but I’m not allowed to be smug about it, given that others are still working).  Which secondly means a chance to catch up on things that don’t often happen during ‘term time’ (despite the fact I’m not at school). One of is the option of meeting up with family.  Had …