Use up the old, bring in the new

When it comes to leftover fests, Christmas is the biggie.  I find it very pleasing to have similar meals for days in a row when the leftovers change a little, there is plenty of cheese, and the prospect of finishing up with lots of cups of tea.

In this vein, a few new discoveries for leftovers:

1) The cold roast veg salad.  Now I know that roast veg salads have been done for some time.  But having a few leftover roast potatoes, assorted roast (or boiled) veg, consider adding mayonnaise and then some cucumber pickles, possibly a little of the pickling liquid too.  On both occasions, I attempted to share my stash, but really had most of it myself.

2) Cold chicken, a little avocado, and some cooked beetroot.  Dan’s mum has demonstrated that avocado and beetroot go well together in a salad (even better with the addition of watercress or rocket), but this is a nice respectable option for leftover chicken, though probably turkey would do too.

I’m sure there was a third one, but memory escapes me for now.

However, there’s also space for new year’s (food) resolutions.  I had asked for spending money for Christmas to get some unusual ingredients – the kind of thing I contemplate, or read up about, but am not sure about buying.

Yesterday saw most of the shops shut in Stockbridge – limiting our usual charity shop trawls, but leaving the way open for deli browsing.

Between the twin delights of Peckham’s and Waitrose, I happily parted with most of the cash, and we noted how it was a good idea not to come to Waitrose often.  At all.  Unless you want to part with all your month’s food shop money all in one go…

Anyway, this morning included looking up recipes to use the following: camargue (red) rice, buckwheat flour, quinoa, rosewater…(There are also more familiar favourites such as maple syrup and hot chocolate, to reassure you that it’s not one big health kick.)

Anyone thinking it’s about time we fed you, let me know which ingredients you are interested in, and we’ll see what we can do.

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