Mac to Reality

I’ve finally taken the plunge back to my roots and bought a Mac. Okay, the company will be paying for it, but I ordered it and use it and get most of the benefit. It’s very sweet, cool and dare I say it, sexy. It’s quiet, quick, light it gets things to work so much easier.

It’s not all plain sailing as I’m having to learn all the little Mac bits and pieces that I’ve missed in the ten years since I stopped using Macs. I used to use them at university, but moved entirely to PCs in 1995 when my flatmate bought a PC.

It was a Pentium 133 with a 1.2Gb hard drive and 256Mb Ram. Can you believe it that I remember that kind of thing?! My camera has more storage capacity than that now . . .

I’m determined not to turn into a Mac geek (like my Inigo colleague Colin), as I know that the reset of the world is PC-based and will continue to be for a long time to come.

I’ve been telling our team that we have to design for the real world – those people still limited to Microsoft, Windows and Internet Explorer – but I have seen the light with MacBook, OSX and of course the massively popular and wonderful Firefox.

Mac after all these years

The new Mac (not given it a name yet) is Intel based, which allows me to run PC applications in a window run by software called Parallels. This allows me to run software (albeit fairly slowly) that I used to use and doesn’t put me just in the Mac camp.

So here’s looking forward to being efficient, flexible and funky in 2007.

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