One a day

It’s my new regime – although I’ve now broken it by starting a new post after already writing one.

Getting my laptop, I decided that moderation would help in my first forays online on my own computer.  So: one blog post a day.  One friend invite a day on Facebook.  All very sober and self-contained.

Except there are days when the writing juices flow a little more, and this seems a little constricting. But then, I think it’s probably good.  Having said I want to write more, and got myself a laptop to make myself do so, having some regular daily writing habits helps me get beyond any notion of writer’s block that I might have.

(It does happen.  But not much.  My last performance appraisal notes that I do ‘at times’ express myself in a rather lengthy way.  Perhaps the managers have just been tuning the rest of it out.)

Given that I’d like this writing game to be a longer term one, it’s probably good however to start with good habits.  I’m not sure that Facebook is a good habit, but at least it gets the fingers moving on the keyboard, which can be a problem in the morning.

So far, have NOT been looking at Facebook in the morning – far too tempting to keep checking it – but you know, should I manage to work from home and need to do some light typing to wake up to, it could be helpful…

I’m sure there’s other useful one a days that would keep me going.  I could learn a new word a day.  I used to write a new quote a day in my diary, when I kept a daily diary – although I didn’t remember them, I have to say.

Perhaps it’s worth continuing to do at least one nice writing thing a day that is just for me – beyond blogging etc.  I’ve started some ideas for a cookbook cum food memoir, and am adding new categories fairly regularly.  Maybe I’ll add a new category on the blog, and start it off there.

One a day.  One way to a writing habit.

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